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How do I put a Frame around the page of my website?

Re: Frames

Do you wish to use HTML Frames, Iframes or do you just wish to have a frame like border around your web page?

Re: Frames

frames are not supported if you have a free site

so if you are wanting your site with a frames version hopefully you have the premium hosting

Re: Frames

I have a premium site that I want to put a frame around. How do I do it? Please see I just want to know if there is a code to put in & where & how do I do it. Or is there a modify selection I can choose?

Re: Frames

I want a frame like border around my webpage. Like a black page surrounding my inner page

Re: Frames

There is a simple method to create background frame as you wished to have.

First, set a background image for the body of your HTML.
using css:

body (background-image:url('image.jpg');}

then, set margins on all sides for your content.
That will create a frame like background

Re: Frames

I' not sure what css is. Is the image a code link like from photobucket? What codw will set the margins?