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Re: Problems with installing some php files!

You said you "tried to do that, but nothing happened". Tried to do what, exactly?

Did you create a new folder for the PHP application and then upload everything to it? Did the upload work properly? Were there any errors? What FTP tool did you use to upload everything?

Then, did you run a "chmod 777" on the "index.php" file? This is common practice when installing PHP applications. The "chmod 777" gives you open access to configure your installation, and is usually accomplished with a FTP tool. Usually, at the end of the installation, you will need to reset the permission settings to something reasonable like "755", so that others can not access the administration panel for the PHP application.

After all that you should be able to point your browser to the "index.php" file for the application. Assuming that your URL is "" and the folder that you installed the PHP application in is named "affiliate_tool", you would use the following to access the "index.php" for configuration:"

After adjusting the above for your actual URL and folder name, what do you get? The configuration of some of these applications can be pretty complicated, but the initial installation is usually pretty simple.