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How do I make wording in my pages go to an email?

Re: Links

Go to an email as in, the user clicks on the phrase such ash "Email Me" and it links to an open email document?

To do this simply Email Me

Re: Links

sorry forgot this allows coding.

a href="">Email Me < /a>

Re: Links

If You really want something to go to an e-mail address, use a e-mail form. The link that Mitch suggested:

E-Mail Me

will create a link, but will only work for about 10 to 15 percent of your site visitors. That link forces the visitor to have a fully configured e-mail client on their PC, and hasn't been very useful in over 10 years. About the only thing it does lately is get you lots of junk mail. To reduce your junk mail you should keep your e-mail address off of your web site.

The only reliable way for visitors to contact you directly is to use a e-mail form. Something like Bravenet's E-Mail Form service would do. You can check out Bravenet's service for free. But there are lots of other places on the net offering the same service. Some are better, some are not.