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How do I Post a Link to a page I've made without having it on my navigation bar?

Hey there.

I've created some pages, and I would like to have links to them on another page. But they all show up on the navigation bar, which is not what I want. How do i do this?

Browser: pixiedust2087,2

Re: How do I Post a Link to a page I've made without having it on my navigation bar?

when using the wizard that is what you will have is ALL the links on your navigation bar area on ALL pages you make and more

if you want to leave the links off then need to switch editors

need to learn html so can design your page the way you like

but with bravenet editors you are LIMITED to what you can and can't do with them

Re: How do I Post a Link to a page I've made without having it on my navigation bar?


gah. anyone that can help me with the html needed?

Browser: pixiedust2087,2

Re: How do I Post a Link to a page I've made without having it on my navigation bar?

When using the Bravenet editors there are buttons that say 'create link' or 'link' - and those will help you with the coding.

When you click the button to make a link a box will open where you can enter the url for the page.

You can also see our tutorial on creating links here:

Hope this helps!

Re: How do I Post a Link to a page I've made without having it on my navigation bar?

Thanks, it does, but how do i make it so they don't show up on the navigation bar?

Browser: pixiedust2087,2

Re: Re: How do I Post a Link to a page I've made without having it on my navigation bar?

That question only makes sense if you are using the Wizard. The Wizard automatically builds the navbar as you go and doesn't give a choice of what to leave off. If you don't want a page on the Navbar then you must use a different editor.