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My site still under construction

Ihave "succesfully" build my web site in already uploaded pictures and everything looks perfect but when I tried to open the site a promt comes out saying "this site is under construction" what can I do?

Browser: ,3

Re: My site still under construction

well since you have given NO link to your site

it could be that

1. you uploaded your homepage as somethingsilly.html or home.html and not the index.html page that it is supposed to be. That is what it looks for with your site or

or perhaps you named it index.htm if so then delete the index.html file and your index.htm page will take it's place

or your browser is not seeing your updated page so may have to refresh your browser a few times to get it to go out and find your current page

if perhaps as mentioned above you named your homepage somethingsilly.html or home.html then just rename it to index.html