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txt running away from page

Ok my first page was great, but In my 2nd as soon as I added a link image on the bottom of my text, the txt runs around a page down from where it should be.

So when I preview, theres a long empty space, then all of my txt somewhere down the bottom. Why?

Re: txt running away from page

a link to your page?
what editor are you using?

Re: txt running away from page

You didn't provide a URL to your web site, but this is a common effect for Website Wizard users. The Wizard web pages are rather fragile structures. If you add a image that is too big, or a long unbroken text string, you can exceed the capacity of the content area. This then has the effect of pushing some of the other content to the wrong place. This effect is mostly visible with Internet Explorer. Other browsers tend to compensate and keep everything in place.

Try using a smaller image. If you provide us with a URL of your site, we might be able to make a better suggestion.