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Domain name???

I signed up for a free account. I created my site, and when i click to open it, i get another window pop us stating that the page cannot be found. I am supposed to register a domain name, but i thought that that was free with the free account.

Please help

Re: Domain name???

when you signed up for a bravenet account that was all you got


But you can have a Free site/subdomain if you want it

just click on the websites tab and a pop up window pops up and you chose the use a subdomain

then another window comes up and in that box area you put the name you want. Make it easy and simple and no spaces in it's name and then you will have a site

you will then get 10 days without the bravenet banners/ads at top and bottom of your site so you will have to make your site to work around that.

then after that time you will see the ads. Now if you want to purchase premium hosting and buy a domain that is up to you as well