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Uploading website from computer

Hello guys I have and coffee cup software that I use to make my website its done put now I'm having a hard time trying to upload it and it's driving me crazy please help me.


Re: Uploading website from computer

are you using ftp?

Re: Uploading website from computer



Re: Uploading website from computer

So I guess no one wants to help me out


Re: Uploading website from computer

maybe you will get help when you explain more your problem

all you need to do is login and click the ftp tab to get your ftp information and it may ask you if you want to set up an ftp account so you will and then it gives you the information to use with your ftp program and then you set it up with your program and upload your files

your main page with your site as well needs to be index.htm or index.html

if you have some other problem YOU NEED TO BE SPECIFIC to it

Re: Re: Uploading website from computer

This isn't live chat. People will answer when they drop by and if they feel that they can contribute something useful. Most Bravenet customers use the Wizard and can't contribute about FTP issues.

You have given us no informaiton about what FTP problems you are experiencing. There are things that can go wrong at the Bravenet end and there are things that you can do wrong.

Re: Uploading website from computer

have you found and using the correct settings for ftp?

Re: Uploading website from computer

All if I have an ftp program that im using and just need to upload it to my website where can i find the information on bravenet on my account so that i can put in the right information because my sever is not connecting to my website


Re: Uploading website from computer

guess you can't read

if you read all the replies you would have read how to get your ftp information

1. login
2. click the ftp tab
3. and follow what it says to do after clicking the tab you may have to make an ftp account and after doing that your information for your ftp program will be given to you

since don't know what editor you are using to make your site and things either assuming ftp is your answer with uploading/publishing your site