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Domains - Transfers - urgent info required

my friend owns a bussiness and her main site is a .com she also has many domain names that she does not use so sent me all the information about them so I could set up front pages so if anyone came across them they would link to her main site - so i did an add exteranl domain and added four so i could set up front pages - however one of the ones i transfered over to me was one that is directly used and is directly linked to her main one ( basicaly her main one is a .com and I transfered a )- this broke her site for 24 hours - ekkkk - i now wish to remove that external domain off bravenet but im worries if i remove / delete it here it may delete her site also - please help - I have not changed anything on it - I have not uploaded anything to it - i just did -
Add a domain name from another registrar to use with bravenet hosting.


Re: Domains - Transfers - urgent info required

as you experienced, changing the host information of a domain name may/will cause an interruption up to 48 hours as it re-aligns the nameserver settings.

yes, another move may have the same result as your previous move.