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Re: copywrite

Copyright law varies from country to country.

Bravenet does not acquire any intellectual property from your site, other questions should be referred to a suitable legal adviser in your own jurisdiction.

Re: copywrite

Using the Bravenet builder thing, has nothing to do with copyrighting. In the USA, almost everything created privately and originally after April 1, 1989 is copyrighted and protected. No copyright notice is needed, and a paid registration is not required. However, if you envision legal proceedings a copyright notice helps, and so does registration.

The key words in this instance are "privately" and "originally". This means you can't post a copyright notice on anything. It must be fixed and in tangible form. You can't copyright facts or ideas. Try this link to 10 Big Myths about copyright explained for more information.

If you have other concerns, follow Peters advice, and seek legal council.