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my own making put in web site

When I type in my notepad and I copy put to file image and why not change it my web site should be change update but still have your own making. I hope you can help me how work change little what I did miss type from your something like that. Let me know as soon as possilbe.

Thank You

I hope you have good time your happy Thanksgiving :)

Browser: ,2

Re: my own making put in web site

please provide a link to your webpage having the problems and explain a bit more on what is going wrong.

Re: my own making put in web site

Web sites do not usually change over a short length of time. So your browser saves prior visits in memory (cache). This is intended to save time and bandwidth with repeated visits. But when you are designing your pages and need to repeatedly view your own site, you often need to clear your cache and force a couple of browser refreshes (F5 or Ctrl-R). This will force your browser to update it's data so you can see your latest changes.