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Re: Publishing Problems

From your posting, you may have things a little backwards. If I go to new name, "", I see a Website Wizard Layout that simply says "We Have Relocated! Visit Us now at". But that's were I thought I went.

If I go to the old name, "", I see a Website Wizard Theme with about six pages. That means that they both published. Not being able to see your changes, or published outputs, right away is usually caused by your browser cache. When you make adjustments like that, you need to clear your cache and force a couple of browser refreshes (F5 or Ctrl-R).

However, it doesn't sound like they are in the order that you want.

Re: Publishing Problems

Never Mind I figured It Out. It just took 30 Minutes to actually publish. THANKS! Sorry for the confusion

Re: Publishing Problems

it shouldn't take 30 minutes to publish

as we posted previously your browser may not have been seeing the updated version so that is down to YOU and such.

Not the length of time to publish

Once you hit that publish button if using the wizard your pages are live with the updates and more

and if you don't see it when you to your page it is due to what we posted about your browser most likely.

Re: Publishing Problems

I don't think it's a browser issue or a "publishing" issue. Publishing is nothing more than the act of uploading your files to your web site. There is no such thing as a 30 minute publishing delay. However, the ".tk" and "" "free" domain names are usually rather slow and not very reliable. I have tried them all before and haven't found them very useful. It can take a little time for changes to get through their systems.

Re: Re: Publishing Problems

Hey Martin, we do have computers on this side of the Atlantic. The only difference between and .com is a couple of thousand miles of ocean with some high capacity telecoms cables underneath it.