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Re: Help! My images won't load!

I see your site just fine, but of course, the images are mostly missing. Because of the image preloading, its pretty slow to start.

There are three main reasons for images to not showing up on a web site.

  • You haven't uploaded them. - The obvious fix for this one is to upload all of your site images to your web site.

  • You have uploaded the images, but not to the right place. - Your website should reflect the same file/folder structure as the PC your are designing it on. If the images are in a separate folder, then this same folder name must exist on your site.

  • You have uploaded the images, and they are in the right place, but they are spelled incorrectly. - The web server is Unix based and sensitive to upper/lower case characters. The name of the image files must match the reference in your HTML pages exactly.

My guess is that the second one is your problem. Your web page mostly uses a folder named "graphics". Some images are expected to be in that folder, but other are in sub folder of that folder, named "banners", "subtitlebanners", "navigationbarbuttons", "posters", and "episodepreviewpics". All of those folder must exist in the "graphics" folder. You should be able to use an FTP tool, like FileZilla, to upload the entire "graphics" folder full of images, preserving the file structure.

Although, it looks like you might be using a MAC, which would have other FTP tools.

One of your references in your page, references the hard drive on your computer. The code is listed below. The internet can not see your hard drive, so you need to adjust it to be like all the other references.

<b>/Macintosh HD/Users/Darien/Documents/DarkDestiny/graphics/navigationbarbuttons/homerollover.jpg</b>