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website templates

I just purchased the upgrade to pro templates. I click upload and the template goes into my favorite folder. I want to use it with my existing website. Help

Re: website templates

You current site is a Website Wizard creation. You can use a template from almost anywhere, on your web site, but not with the Wizards. The Wizard can only use the Themes and Layouts available within the Wizard.

To use a template, from the Template Gallery or anywhere else, you will need to change your method of development. You might want to try this link to my help page on Working With Bravenet Templates. The page on Template Editing has links to several good free web page design applications.

Another resource, on using Templates from the Template Gallery, is the May 25,2007 Newsletter. You can find it in your Bravenet Account Manager under "Resources --> Bravenet Newsletters". Their recommendations are Photoshop, GIMP, and Paintshop Pro. But other programs can be used.

Re: Re: website templates

thanks i will try to fiqure it out...wish me luck i was doing good to use the wizard. I thought the upgrades would be as easy....