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Re: i messed up the last post by putting the script in the message, sorry. page won't load unless "i

You did make a little mess of your other post, but now your kind of making this up as you go, aren't you?

Wizard creations were never intended to be mixed with any editor outside of the Wizard. Even though you can see the files output from the Wizards "publish" option in the File Manager, doesn't mean you should be editing them from there. Changes made to the Wizard files, from any editor outside the Wizard, can not be realized by the Wizard's data base. Should you ever go back to the Wizard and use the "publish" option, your changes will be overwritten. There is no "are you sure" prompt.

What you found, when you used the editors in the File Manager, was a comment line. It probably looked something like this:

These are common in HTML coding and are used as markers when your reading the code. Your current page is simple and the code is easy to follow. But if it had lots of content, you might need comments to dig you way through the code.

A comment starts with the group of symbols, "". The existance of a "C" in the line does not trigger anything strange like clearing the line. Everything between those groups of symbols are simply considered text, and ignored by a visitors web browser.

When you attempted to use "