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Re: Uploading a JPG picture


110kb is not too large. Are you still have this problem?

How are you uploading the picture? Can you please walk me through the steps you are talking?


Re: Uploading a JPG picture

Hi Courtnie,
I do hope that you can shed some light on where I am going wrong. The steps I follow are;
I first Optimize the photo into a JPEG with Paint Shop Pro, save the Optimized version in my photo folder on my PC.. I then sign onto Bravenet, go to File manager, click on my pictures folder. Browse for the optimized photo that I just did and then click upload. It then comes back saying "Exceeds disk quota" . The photo is uploaded and can be viewed in the "picture folder", but when I try to right click & add it to a web page there is no drop down option box to view or insert to add it onto the page.
I have done the same method for uploading photo's since day one, has something changed??