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uploading / index file

I have uploaded some shoping cart software, and my problem is with the index files. If you try to find my site it is blank, but if you try , you get the store. How do i get bravenet to recognise the stores index page? Can I create a separate index page and then link it to the store???
Thank you for any help.

Re: uploading / index file

Bravenet is recognizing your store's "index.php" page just fine. Just not in the place you were expecting it.

Instead of uploading everything to the root folder (/) of your web site, you have uploaded everything to a folder named "index". When you specify "" for your site, the server is finding the file "/index/index.php". For visitors to find your store's "index.php" page, when they just use your URL, you need to move everything to the root folder (/), and then delete any existing "index.html" or "index.htm" files.

Since it doesn't look like you have anything configured yet, you should be able to just delete everything in the "/index" folder and then re-upload everything to the root folder (/). If your using any FTP program, you may see your site in "/web/". That folder will be the root folder of your web site. Then make sure you delete any existing "index.html" or "index.htm" files, or the server will try to serve them first.

Re: uploading / index file

Thank you I will give it a go. It was taking me a while to work all of this out as I am learning as I go. I am so close to having it work!! I appreciate your help.

Re: uploading / index file

it works!!!!
Now I have to input all our data...

Thanks you