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uploading a file

I'm having trouble uploading a text file. I've tried it as both a doc file and in html. I get the message "Not available permissions, or exceeds disk quota. I've only use 5mb of 50mb of space, and the file in question is only about 9kb. Anyone know what's wrong? Also, file manager shows it's there in the list, but clicking on it tells me it's not

Re: uploading a file

If it is a pure text file then you should be able to upload as .txt or as .html. If you tried to upload as .doc then it would fail as there would be a mismatch between the actual file type and the type stated in the extension.

Make sure the file really is ascii text. Give it a slightly different name and a valid extension then try again.

Remember that if you have free hosting you are limited in the file types that you can upload.