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Domain transfer

A potential client wants me to buld a simple website for his food takeaway business, downloadable menu, a few photos etc. The immediate problem I see is that he has registered a domain name, not with Bravenet, and he wants to use that name.

As I use Wizard, hence I use Wizard Editor, what is the procedure to transfer his Domain name from his registrar over to Bravenet?

In the mean time I thought I would use a sub-domain from my account to build the site on, is it then possible to copy all the files to a site with his chesen name in my account?

Sorry for going round the houses a little here but a bit of direction from someone would be most helpful.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Domain transfer

The existing name host should be able to point the name at the Bravenet site. The whole point of domain names is that the address is portable.

If you use a PC based editor you can upload the files to wherever you like. The Wizard just isn't designed to work like that.

If I was your client I would be very upset about the site being on your account. I would expect a separate account that could be handed to me in its entirity if I decided to use a different developer (or you decided to pull out).