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HELP .aspx PAGEs as Homepage

Is it possible to set an .aspx[PAGE] as homepage ?

Re: HELP .aspx PAGEs as Homepage

Which service level do you have?

Re: Re: HELP .aspx PAGEs as Homepage

Sorry Peter i am really ignorant on that .
I just have created some webForms(.aspx) in Visual Studio that i would like to set as homepage for authentication.
I do not know what is a service level, because I signed up very quickly.
Tell me what I should ned to do to get .aspx pages as Homepage.....[in order to regulate access for my visitors.]

Re: HELP .aspx PAGEs as Homepage

he was asking do you have free hosting or are you on a paid hosting plan with a domain here at bravenet

because that answer will depend on you hosting aspx here

with free hosting with the free subdomain or a domain you may not have aspx

whether it is allowable with the premium hosting plan/domain here not sure