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You only tried the once?
A connection from your PC to Bravnet will involve maybe half a dozen re different service providers and any of them can cause a glitch like this.

Always retry and always see if you can connect to other servers in the same geographic area.

I find that most connection problems are down to my isp and most of them go away when I retry.


I have the same sort of problem I have tried 3 different pieces of software all i get is

Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Resolving IP-Address for
Status: Connecting to
Error: Could not connect to server

I have even switched off my firewall and still nothing

please help me out


make sure you have correct ftp info by logging in to bravenet and clicking on the ftp tab



Thanks for the tip, thats where I got the original information from and still no sucess


i have no problems with ftp could be something on your end

as a last resort open a support ticket perhaps


I'm having a real problem with ftp. No one seems to understand it at all. When I open up my ftp tab, and have the username, ftp info, but don't have the path info. It is my understanding that I need the host/public directory info. This is what my program keeps telling me I need. Everything else is fine.

Can you help me with this? All I'm trying to do is upload my web page with the counter and traffic info.
But can't seem to do it. This is really frustrating.

(503) 810-0473


with ftp

login to your bravenet account
click the ftp tab

there should be a link that says create a ftp account

and if you have one already there should be a link to it in the ftp accounts table

if you don't have one there then create one by hitting the create an ftp account link. Then in the pop up window that comes up type in your username and password and hit submit

then your ftp information will pop up in the account table area for FTP

so you would use that information in your ftp program

so host would be or whatever is there in that table area for your account

username would be what it says in that area and the password would be the password you use with your bravenet account