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Re: Homepage in html?

if you know html then make your page that way with notepad and publish it via ftp

we don't see your site since you have provided no URL so we can take a look to see what you are doing

but with the wizard you are limited and such but if you KNOW how to design your site and know html and more like with dreamweaver or notepad or something else then do your page that way and save as index.html and publish via ftp and make sure your index.html page is in your MAIN root folder and not a subdirectory in the root folder

Re: Homepage in html?

You were probably trying to upload to the wrong directory.

The root contains a directory called web
That containts a dirctory for each site under its domain or subdomain.
You upload to the directory for the site not to "web" or the root.

I know its a bit confusing but it is necessary to support multiple sites under one account.