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HTML help

I've got a HTML file from Dreamweaver. I've uploaded it to my files but I'm looking for a way to publish it. I tried manipulating the HTML of layout but it didn't work right. How can I publish my HTML files?

Re: HTML help

Publishing is an over used word that means nothing more than uploading your files to your web site. If you have uploaded your files to your site, you are published.

By default, when a visitor uses your URL, the web server looks for a file named "index.html" or "index.htm". The rest of your files can be named almost anything else, as long as they have a ".html" or ".htm" extension. You can access any of your files by adding the name to the end of your site URL. For example, if your page is named "my_web_page.html" and your site is named "", you can use "" as URL.

When you change anything on your site, and try to view the changes, make sure you fore a couple of browser refreshes (F5 or Ctrl-R). That will update your browser cache.