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Click below to start the process of building a new website. You will be prompted to choose a domain

Well I've made an account, but do not have an url. The only available option is to pay for a domain - there is no create a subdomain option - nor is there one automatically ready.

The help section is ******* awful and full of useless information.

I can't even get this started??

The build a new website link does nothing when clicked?

Whats going on???

Browser: no

Re: Click below to start the process of building a new website. You will be prompted to choose a dom

well LOOKS SIMPLE TO ME if you read

login and click the websites tab
then click on build a website

then a pop up window comes up saying Use a subdomain, buy a domain and use domain registered elsewhere

you click on the use a subdomain

then where it says enter a subdomain you put something in that box but don't use Spaces or funny characters

then you hit the create a subdomain button and if your subdomain is available you are then taken to your file manager page where you can start building your site

if you have NO CLUE on how to build one since seems can't read things in the one area

then you would click on the wizard link there in your file manager area and START building

if you do know how to design then you build with that and you upload your site VIA ftop