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Hello all.

Was wondering if someone may be able to help me out here.

I purchased a damain name from Bravevnet about a week ago. At this time i never purchased any web space to go with it. I now have (from Bravenet)and im trying to upload my site to this web space.

Im not sure if it is because i purchased the two seperately, but i cannot seem to be able to see anything when uploaded?.

I have named the opening page "index.html" like i have previously with another hosting package from Bravenet but still no joy?

Would really greatly recieve help from those with more experience in these matters than i.

Thanks in advance


Re: Confused!

i see a 403 error page for your site

so either you didn't put an index.html page in your root folder area or something

that is where the index.html page needs to go and it isn't being recognized

Re: Confused!

Hi. Thanks for your reply.

Everytime i go to upload i get an error message stating that the directory "" does not exist. But it is there as plain as plain can be. I have opened the directory path for the site to upload and named the home page "index.html", but still the same message?

Still confused