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website wizard

Hi all

i have written a php script and i have installed it all files are there on my file manager and on ftp. i made a mistake when i first got the domain and went through the website set up wizard now, it only comes up with the basic website wizard i used on manage website. how do i deleted that and use the one i uploaded??


Re: website wizard

Just upload again.

Re: Re: website wizard

missed a bit - and use your FTP program to delete any redundant files created by the Wizard and left over after you upload.

Re: website wizard

i have tried taking everything off! it seems i cannot delete "index.html" thats the web site wizard file!! it has no option to delete! someone HELP please

Browser: ..

Re: website wizard

Delete it from the File Manager, not the Website Wizard. Deleting files from within the Wizard, does not delete the files from your web site. It only deletes them from the Wizards data base. If you not going to use the Wizard any more, delete all the Wizard files on your site, from the File Manager, and never go back there again. There is nothing useful in the Wizard any more, including the "publish" option.

Re: website wizard

Hi yes i was in file manager but there is no files from the website wizard, thats why im having such a problem, but after hours last night the site popped up. i have it working now though although a different problem but i think thats the script i have

Thank You