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Re: I don't know what I am doing wrong please help

Do you mean that Google comes up with incorrect information for your site, or comes up with another site when you do search on "josjewels"? If I search on "josjewels" I come up with nine hits for "". That's not your site.

Many users are under the impression that search engines, like Google, actually search the internet. They do not. They search their own data bases. If you just created a web site, you are unknown to Google, or any other search engine. If you wait around and do nothing, search engines will eventually find your site, index it, and start displaying it when users enter appropriate keywords. But that can take months. Most users try to speed up the process by submitting their site to the various search engines. Then your site is put in a queue to be indexed. When the search engine gets around to it, they will visit your site and index it.

This can still take several weeks. So while your waiting, finish making your site, add lots of content, and make sure you have good keywords in your Meta tags. After that you just wait. But you should know that, when it finally starts showing up, searchers that use "josjewels" to search on will pick up your site and the other site. If the other site has a better hit ratio, and has been around longer, they will be listed first. Until you develop ranking, searching on your keywords will pick up your site, but you may be on page 5 or 10.

Re: I don't know what I am doing wrong please help

Hi, Thanks very much for your answer. I actually sorted it, I was being thick lol. I didn't realise that when you had amended your site it took a while for it to update on the internet. So when I looked at it from the internet it was unamended and when I looked at it from bravehost it was how I wanted it to be.

My friend who helped me to set my site up - pointed out what the problem was.

Thank you anyway though for your answer and it provided me with some useful tips too - so thanks.