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Is there a way i can lock posts on the forums so only members of my guild have access to the posts..

I run a guild on a mmorpg and am using you to host our guild webpage. I added a forum to the webpage. In the game it is possible to get raided by player killers and as such i would like to make some posts on the forum unreadable to those that have not got a password or something to allow them to read certain posts on the forum, is there any way to do this?i have had a play with it but am yet to figure out if this is possible????

thanks for your time

Re: Is there a way i can lock posts on the forums so only members of my guild have access to the pos

you can password protect the forum

also to lock a thread or so

login to bravenet
click webtools
then the message forum link in your account
then hit the delete messaages link

then click on the message link you want to lock
and scroll down and hit where it says lock and go from there