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Dreamweaver to bravehost

I have made a page in dreamweaver how do i put it onto bravehost?

Re: Dreamweaver to bravehost

they should have a built in FTP program with it

that is how you would need to upload your site with dreamweaver

so get your ftp info by logging in and clicking on the ftp tab to get it

Re: Dreamweaver to bravehost

I guess you haven't actually signed up for hosting yet. Once you do you will find instructions for configuring your own FTP software and also Bravenet's own upload utilities.

Remember that your home page must be named index.html

Re: Dreamweaver to bravehost

in dreamweaver go to manage sites
then create a site with following

sitename = can be anything but name of site will do
local root folder = where it is on your local drive such as C:mysitesbravenetsite

in remote info

access = FTP
FTP host =
Host directory = /web/

login = your login name
password= obvious