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Underlined text, No links yet on my page!!!!!

Hi was wondering if anyone can help, i am currently building up my pages, but everything i type is underlined!!!! Does anyone know why the Underline button only works sometimes, i don't want to end up doing whole pages and then having to go back when Bravenet decides to reinstate the Underline button. Does anyone else have this problem?????????
PS: There are no links on the pages i am building at the moment other than the navigation bar

Re: Underlined text, No links yet on my page!!!!!

Well you might tell us a link to your site so we can see for ourselves and this isn't some talk here

Re: Underlined text, No links yet on my page!!!!!

but i haven't published it with this problem, as it will obviously create more work. if u do visit the site i am currently working on belt buckles.