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Copy an Application to my HomePage or To a Folder of my new webSite

How can I go About copying an Application , [that I created with Visual Studio 2005], to a folder of my WebSite ?
I can upload files,...but i do not know how i can transfer an entire folder[containing my application.]
I am sure it is an easy question.

Re: Copy an Application to my HomePage or To a Folder of my new webSite

Most FTP software will upload a whole folder. Just select the folder and upload.

If you have a package that won't do that then create a folder on the server and upload the files individually. Again how you do that depends on what software you are using.

Bravenet places no restrictions on what FTP software you use and packages all have their little differences so it is not possible to give detailed instructions without more information.

Re: Copy an Application to my HomePage or To a Folder of my new webSite

Thanks a lot PETER , you helped me solve my prob.