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Second account ...

I have a paid hosting account which Bravenet says allows it to host 10 websites. How come I have eleven sites on my account? It lists 10 in a row then underneath '1 more'. I,m confused.

Also, I am about to open a second account using the same bank details, can I organise my two accounts so that one hosts my sites and the other my bought .com named sites? i.e. transfer sites from one account to the other.

I purchased my Domain Names through Bravenet and so they are registered with them.



Re: Second account ...

I can't remember the numbers but you get an allowance of domain names plus an allowance of sub domains.

Bravenet isn't designed for moving sites between accounts. They may not do it but the only way would be to raise a support ticket.

Re: Second account ...

OK Peter,

