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Re: uploading PowerPoint

Peter was specifically referring to the ".ppt" file. But either way, you won't find PowerPoint presentations very useful on free web sites. If you have a ".ppt" file on your site, it is considered a download file. For visitors to use it, the visitor would need to download it to their PC and open it in PowerPoint. Free web sites are not suppose to be used as download sites and can not upload ".ppt" files. Paid hosting sites don't have an issue with file types.

You can export your files as HTML, and upload them. But if you have a free site, they are probably not going to look very good. PowerPoint generates it's HTML output as frame sets. Since free Bravenet sites do now allow users to suppress the ad banners, you will wind up with a ad banner in each and every frame. It will destroy the usability of the presentation. There are web hosts that do allow you to suppress the banners for frames based sites, but Bravenet is not one of them.

Re: uploading PowerPoint

I don't intend to have 'presentations' per say.. just using Powerpoint to create web pages that link to other web pages (also created with Powerpoint). I find features available on powerpoint useful to create pages.... and it worked fine on other Hosts.. The issue you bring up that adds may 'fly in' between frames may be the problem .. would this disappear with upgraded web hosting on Bravenet?

Re: uploading PowerPoint

Frames are not supported with free hosting. PP creates frames.

Re: uploading PowerPoint

Oops, only read the first para of Martin's reply.

Ads will not be inserted if you upgrade but if you upgrade after uploading the presentation then existing ads will probably not be removed automatically.