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Help- problems with viewing pics and adding pages

I am having issues with my webpage. I have just uploading pictures onto my page. I have emailed a bunch of friends to tell them and well, half of them can see them and half of them can't. I can't even see them when I go to my page it shows the old page before I updated it. There should be about 6 or 7 pics on there ( Also, I'd really like to add a page to put photos on there but I cannot figure out how to have additional pages. I noticed someone had already asked this but I looked up ifranview and it costs money. I would rather not pay for a service like that. Thanks for any help you can offer!

Re: Help- problems with viewing pics and adding pages

your pictures are there. Could be they don't show due to the size of the pictures bigger than the space you have with your template there.

might use ifranview and size down the images smaller to post on your page and just make a link with them if people want to see a bigger image of the item etc

Re: Help- problems with viewing pics and adding pages

Thanks for that. We figured out why people weren't seeing the pics and updated site. Apparently you have to disable your pop-up blocker and that helped.

With the pages thing, I really don't understand ifranview. When I try to download it, its trying to charge me money. I really would like to add a page through the bravenet site. Is this not possible? Basically I am looking to have a link for "pictures" on my navigation bar and they can click on it and then I have a page of all my pictures there. I just don't see how I can do that from bravenet visual editor...