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I am getting so frustrated. I read on the help section that once you have saved your work in the visual editor, then all of your work should be published to your website. But when I did that, I pulled up my website,, it told me that I was not authorized to view this page. What in the world am I doing wrong? Is there another way to publish without using website wizard, because the template that I am using does not work in the wizard. Please help me!!!!

Re: publishing

what did you publish your homepage as

somethingsilly.html or home.html

it is trying to find your page as index.html so rename your homepage to index.html

when you sign up for a domain or the free subdomain site you are given a placeholder index.html page and all YOU do is publish your index.html page to replace it

don't delete the page or do anything else UNLESS you save your pages as .htm in stead of .html

then you would delete the index.html page from your file manager so your index.htm page in your ROOT directory will show

Re: publishing

I published my homepage as home.html then saved it. For every other page that I am trying to add to my website, I am downloading the template that I want to use, renaming it to the name of the page, example it is a church website, I have home.html, Ourpastor.html, etc.....but when I save them after editing them in the visual editor, it does not allow me to see the website at all.

Re: publishing

Read the previous message, which told you how to solve your problem.