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'We are not allowed to see our website

Is there somebody who can help me out? When uploading our website from our computer to te Bravenet server, nothing happes. Oh, yes something happens ... my state of mind goes far beneath zero!

The answer on a Bravenet support ticket was:
By default, the contents of your directories are not listed when people try to browse them. You can enable directory listing by creating a ".htaccess" file inside of your folder.

The contents of the .htaccess file would look something like:

IndexOptions FancyIndexing NameWidth=*
IndexOrderDefault Ascending Name
Options Indexes

This will print out a list of all the files in your directory, sorted by filenames and showing the dates.

Perhaps it's me, but I do not understand a word of it! I tried and tried and tried again.

Please can someone help me out, so we can see our website back????
Thanks so much.

Re: 'We are not allowed to see our website

From reading your post I think that you made a simple mistake but the help desk thought you were trying, and failing, to do something complicated.

By default your home page must be named index.html or index.htm

If your browser cannot find a home page at your address it then attempts to display a list of files. For security reasons Bravenet don't permit this unless you explicitly allow it using the .htaccess file (paid hosting only).

If you have named your homepage something other than index then the simplist solution is to rename it. Anything else involves doing things with your .htaccess file.