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new here and confused


i am new here and confused

i clicked on the free website to build and got to the domain name thing....
i;m confused to why i must pay 8.95 for a domain name if trying to build a free website....?
am i missing something? i am not great with computers
comments appreciated

Re: new here and confused

With free sites you get a sub-domain name, not a domain name. While you can certainly use a domain name with a free web site, and Bravenet is more than willing to sell it to you, you are not required to have one, and you are not required to purchase one.

Once you have registered with Bravenet, and are logged in, click on the "New Website" link. Then follow the "Build a new website" link. From the selection that come up select "use a subdomain". This will skip past the registration and purchase of a domain name. Then just pick your sub-domain name. The system will check against already registered sub-domain names and prompt you to try again, if it is already used.

Except for the banners and popups, which will come along in about a week to 10 days, a free site is a free site. No requirement to purchase anything.