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domains and hosting

Can anyone explain why if you bought your domain name through Bravenet and then join with the hosting program later, you are not allowed to have you free domain joined with your package? For three years I have battled this problem! I am very frustrated about this. I seems to me that if you buy the hosting package later the domain should then be able to be tied in with the hosting package. I am tired of having to pay for this when it should be free because I bought it first, year after year.

Why is this so?

Re: domains and hosting

OK, the supermarket are selling two for the price of one. You seem to expect to buy one then come back a week later and take the second for free.

Re: domains and hosting

when you signed up for the premium hosting the first time you should have picked your free domain then

you can't come back later and expect a 2nd for free

under your account or another account and more