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To whom it may concern

To whom it may concern, my IP address was block form viewing your site all I have to say is may god bless you. I hope that you are really looking into whats being said and talk about on this site I have seen so many conversation on this site that doesn't need to be on, I'm quessing your enjoying it, because I said the D A M N word and it showed up like this ****fool if that what u block my IP address for well let me tell you that KOOL FM, KLASS FM, HEART BEAT RADIO,YAHOO and MSN never never block me for saying that and you pretty much could say any thing on there it's time for we as AXAians to WISE UP and RISE to the OCCASION. 1 luv Jah Bless

Re: To whom it may concern

well concern

you now know that with the services people use on the ir websites here from bravenet

they HAVE THE CAPABILITIES to block unwanted people such as YOU


Re: To whom it may concern

Sorry, no one here has any idea what site your referring to or anything else you are talking about. If your dealing with one of the Bravenet users forums or blogs, take it up with them. The forums inherently convert certain groups of words to "****". This forum owner has the ability to turn this feature on or off. In your case, it is apparently turned off. Forum owners also have the ability to block anyone they want, for any reason they want, so if you have a problem, take it up with them.

We don't know you and have nothing against you, but we also don't give a rats ass what you post. If you want to say "damn" there are ways to do it.