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Help !!! listing site with google

does anyone know the answer to this? How do i get a listing on google, so that when someone goes to google and say put s in words like 'murray website' that it shows up in google listings? i have listed and verified site but it only asks for domain name but how do you get the words at top of listing and the bit of writing? anyone know? to be clear go to google and put in say great auk and up will come sites with Great Auk site or great auk, extinct or something then a bit o fwriting and under it the domain name how do you get google to list your site with the words you want at top?

Re: Help !!! listing site with google

you need to submit your site to search engines and have good content on your site and perhaps meta tags with specific key words to describe your site as well

Then your site will be indexed and it could take a few weeks perhaps more to show up.

your site once made doesn't just pop into those search engines

Re: Help !!! listing site with google

what is a meta tag and how do i get one and how do i put it on site or where ever?

Re: Help !!! listing site with google

you can do a search in this forum area and put search engines and read a lot of posts on how to help you get going.

But here is one post from Martin who is one regular poster around here:

Many users are under the impression that a search engine actually searches the internet. It does not. I searches it's own data bases. Until your site is indexed and added to their data base, your site will not exist.

If you do nothing, your site will eventually be found, indexed, and added to the data base. However, that can take weeks or months. To speed this along, most users submit their sites to the various search engines. This puts you on a list of sites to be indexed and probably gets you listed quicker. If you prepare you site with good content and tags that contain descriptions and keywords, this will help when the search spider gets around to your site.