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Re: activating links

Sorry, that doesn't make sense. A link is a link, there is no "activation" process. If a link doesn't work it means that a mistake has been made.

As you haven't given us the address of your site it is impossible to say what has gone wrong in your case.

One big guess, perhaps you have used a template that includes fields or buttons for specific links. If that is the case you still need to insert the links yourself.

Re: activating links

i know that dont make sense my website is maybe it is the template that im using. i will keep at it thanks

Re: activating links

try making them a link which you have not done

you just have it as text there so they are not set as a HYPERLINK so when people click on it they go to that page etc

so am assuming you DO NOT know how to make those links hyperlinks I take it

from your choice of words you originally posed with your question

Re: activating links

thanks for some of the help i have played around and read more about html and i got this one, thanks