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Inappropriate advertising coming onto website

I went on to our cub scout pack web site today and the Google ad box came up, one of the two ads that appeared was very inappropriate for elementary aged kids. The ad was for meeting "Gay Black Males" I understand the free service comes with ads and that is ok but there should be a way to avoid ads like these on sites intended for kids.

Can anyone help on this please


Re: Inappropriate advertising coming onto website

Side note as I have run through the pages on the website this same ad has come up 3 more times...
I really don't want my boys visiting ""

Re: Re: Inappropriate advertising coming onto website

The lack of any filter to determine which ads are appropriate for particular sites is an issue with a number of church and youth organisations.

An ad should certainly not include content that would be banned on a Bravenet site. You need to make a note of the name or URI of the advertiser and raise a support ticket.

Re: Inappropriate advertising coming onto website

I did that last night and as of yet it has not even been assigned. I have now gone into the website and chopped everything out of it that could cause these ads... things like one of the badges has the words "building muscle" so I have removed the requirements from all our pages. Another page that was a constant problem was for our tiger cubs, I have now changed Tiger to T iger in all instances on the page and that seams to have helped.

The purpose of this sight is to give the boys a resource for the things they are doing and yet I am having to cut it up and send them to other websites to find the information... how sad.

If anyone has other suggestions I am more than open!


Re: Inappropriate advertising coming onto website

your website is a free hosted site so you WILL have ads etc

so you either have to upgrade to remove the bravenet banners/ads, pop ups or such.

might look into other hosting where you can suppress the banners or something.

not much else can do with what comes up with these ads and such.

Re: Re: Inappropriate advertising coming onto website

I run a site for a community arts group. I pay for hosting then cover the cost through a mix of Google Adsense and Amazon. Members are occasionally reminded that the resource is funded through Amazon and asked to use our link when they make purchases.