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Re: Help with my visual editor and my website editor

you need to decide on an editor

the wizard or the file manager editors or your own html editor

if you use the file manager editors and go to the wizard any changes you did in the file manager area are deleted

you can't mix editors pick one and stick with it

if you use file manager editors just save if you use the wizard hit the publish button there

always good to learn html so you can design your site your own way down the road because with the limitations you have with the bravenet editors etc

Re: Help with my visual editor and my website editor

Save yourself all the frustration and stop trying to mix the Website Wizard with ANYTHING. The Wizard can not realize changes made by any external editor. If your going to use the Wizard, do all your editing there. If you want to developed your site with something other than the Wizard, than do it.

None of the on-line editors are very good. You might want to try this link to my help page on Working With Bravenet Templates. The page on Template Editing has links to several good free web page design applications. Those editors will allow you design on your PC and upload your updated pages.

Re: Help with my visual editor and my website editor

Hmm.. Well Do you at least know how I can make my letters in different fonts?

Re: Help with my visual editor and my website editor

Also how do I build a new page in the visual editor thing.

I add a new file with the .html at the end but when I go to edit it there is no template... no nothing...

Re: Help with my visual editor and my website editor
