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Re: Permission Denied

Hi Thanks for the reply.

Are you saying that i have to change the name of the site on my pc to "index.html"?

Also, do i have to make a directory file on the web space? if so, does this have to be a specific name?

I know my web site was there at one time (have deleted it since) but i still could not see anything? perhaps this is due to the name of the site not being "index.html" at the time?

I hope you can clarify these points for me.

Thanks for your help it really is appreciated.



Re: Permission Denied

well with you saying you deleted your index.html page from the directory that is why you have the page that comes up now

YOur main home page to your site HAS to be index.htm or index.html

when you sign up for the free hosted subdomain or purchase a domain you have a placeholder index.html page already there. ALL YOU have to do is make your index.html page and publish it over it

do not mess with what bravenet puts in there then you have a mess as you may have at moment

so whatever your homepage is just change the name to index.html and publish it to your root directory

then you can do whatever you want with rest of your pages basically