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What is the file upload limit for premium users?

I have a premium account and I am trying to upload files around 7mb but It is not working. Is the file too big?

Re: What is the file upload limit for premium users?

I don't know what the file size limit is for premium hosting. If you are sure you have a sane reason to upload something that big, wait for someone who knows to come along. In the mean time, you may want to bump your question back to the top by telling us what kind of file and why. And especially what happens when it "doesn't work".

Re: What is the file upload limit for premium users?

What are you using to upload your files?


Re: What is the file upload limit for premium users?

Thats a big file, there is always a risk that it is timing out at your end.

Remember that the speed your ISP quotes is for downloads. Uploads are usually a fraction of that.