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Re: links not showing up on my page

There are several possibilities here but as you haven't given us any details it gets a bit difficult to guess.

Basically either you have done something wrong (several possibilities here) or you don't understand how your browser works.

Very few people have unlimited free web access, in the old days you paid by the minute, these days your monthly bandwidth is usually capped with broadband while "unilimited" dial up usually disconnects automatically after a fixed time. Browsers are designed with this in mind and deliberately don't waste time or bandwidth when they can avoid it. This means that if you access the same page several times your PC keeps a copy which is used for subsequent access. If the page changes in that time you will not see the changes. You can force a refresh across the web by pressing CTRL + F5

If that doesn't work then you are doing something wrong, there is more than one possible scenario and you need to tell us exactly what you have done.

Re: links not showing up on my page

i can see some things not working like the one picture is too big on your main page

for both your links

you only have SO MUCH space you can work with if you go over the space size with the columns with your template your page will look totally unprofessional

so have some things to work on for both sites