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I can't find my site with Google

what i to do and how to do to find my site on google or some other serch engine

Browser: ,3

Re: I can't find my site with Google

If it has only been a few weeks since you registered, you need to be patient. Concentrate on making your site as good as possible in the meantime.

Re: I can't find my site with Google

when you first make a site that DOES NOT guarantee you are on google and other search engines

you have lots of work to do before you are

put good content on your site, have keywords that will help find your site, submit your site to search engines many more things

It could take weeks, perhaps months before you are on search engines. But depending on how you get things going and such will depend on how quick you get there.

Re: I can't find my site with Google

how i submit my site to search engines i put keywords and meta tags what i to do next????

Browser: ,3

Re: I can't find my site with Google

Go to the search engine.
Find link that says "Add URL", "Submit site" or whatever.

Re: I can't find my site with Google

Go here.
Do what Google tells you on that page.

Go make a "sitemap" here. And put it on your webpage. You can click "Add Sitemap" on Google, to tell it where it is.

This will help


Re: I can't find my site with Google

Hi BLF, just read your post re: XML Sitemaps. Had a quick reccy and am gonna give it a go.

Where exactly on my Website do I put it, I use Wizard. Presume it's somewhere in File Manager?

