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first time user

i want to creat a web site for personal use where i'll be able to upload music that i like and also put professional info such as curriculum vitae etc...

but i know practically nothing related to webdesign

i already created a sub-domain what the next step.
i wanted to design my web pages with microsoft front page and then upload but how do i that

Re: first time user

well with music may not be able to load a lot with a free site so may have to host your music at another place and just provide links on your site to it

but if you want to make your site using frontpage then make it using frontpage and then publish it via ftp

Re: first time user

I am in same situation. I signed up for 3 months and have a domain name. Now what do I do? I think I will be in good shape if I can just get the ball rolling.

Re: first time user

login to your bravenet account
click the websites tab

there in the table on that page is a link to your site

click on it and then you are taken to your maintenance area for your page. If you don't know html or anything click on the wizards link to start building your site

if you know html and have dreamweaver, or frontpage you can use that to build your page

just depends on what skills you have with designing and more things to work with

amd to start make sure your main page is index.html because that is what it wants to find when trying to find your site out there on net

Re: first time user

when I click on the "manage" icon, it just says web site under construction. Does it take a day or two for bravenet to get a template up and going? I just signed up this morning.

Thanks for you help!

Re: first time user

what is your URL supposed to be

did you sign up for a DOMAIN or a free subdomain

also if you see your site and comes up under construction then YOU either have not uploaded your index.html page to replace it yet

but as said if you have the free hosted subdomain

you should have the placeholder under construction page up and then all you have to do is MAKE your index.html page and publish it depending on how you make it did you use the bravenet wizard, or what..

if you purchased a domain that usually takes a little time to propogate before you can start fully building your page

so as said what is your URL supposed to be and perhaps we can go further