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Re: help

These forums used to have links to the other forums at the top of the page. They changed that, and I suppose it is possible you were refered here from someplace other than the help center. Now, click the link that says "Help", then look for the copy/paste forum.

Re: help

I am using CUTE Site Builder to build my Web-Site. The Bravenet ftp jave will not allow me to upload my files. I also have ws-ftp and ftp explorer, which I have successfully uploade other sites.

Hoe can I get the information to upload my site, such as
ftp control
ftp host

Sure hope you can help.

Re: help

if you need FTP info login to your bravenet account and click the ftp tab

if you tried to use the applet that doesn't work

I have seen more post with problems with it and that is why suggest using an FTP program so much better