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Image not displayed

I am supposed to have a big banner with wasabi-warrior in it displayed accross the top of my web-page. Nothings there. When i go to edit my web-page, the code is still there. If i go view source using Internet Explorer, even the code isnt there. Why is my picture not working?

Re: Image not displayed

Sounds like you have ad blocking software installed on your PC. These products do give false positives sometimes.

Re: Image not displayed

Your banner is a ".png" file. I don't have any trouble seeing it, but some browsers may have trouble displaying that kind of file. Convert it to a more common GIF or JPG file to make it easier for all browsers to display it. A GIF will be about the same size, but a JPG will be about half that size, and you won't be able to see any difference between them.

If you don't have anything to do the conversion, try this link to It's a good free graphic editor that will allow you to open the file and save it off as a GIF or JPG.

Re: Image not displayed

Thats just it. It was a .gif, and i had the same problem. While it was a .gif i could even veiw it on the editor, so i converted it to a .png